
Dawn of a new (mis)adventure.....Poetic Fury

Dawn of a new (mis?)adventure ........ Poetic fury I am back……. After a self imposed exile of almost a decade……. I am back. Here is the reason why I suddenly resurrected my insatiable urge to write…. The other day I was in a discussion with an intelligent person about, …….well lot of things.  During the discussion, some of my arguments sounded familiar and I felt some one used them somewhere.  Suddenly, it dawned on me that those were the sentences from my blogs written several years ago.  So, I started reading my own blogs (don’t ask me for my reaction after reading them…).  Naturally, I was too eager to share and have the other participant read them, and hence sent the link to that person.  Again, don’t ask me for my reaction to the comments.  But, one quip made me write this and the ensuing blogs that you may have the misfortune of reading. The remark was about my old blog “Woman Smarter". Harry and I go a long way…I said.  I continued… When I was a ki

Hinduism and Rituals

Recently my father-in-law sent a document explaining about Hindu rituals (Aachaaraas) and why people follow them. It has good information. However, it would have been outstanding had it listed scientific reasons for things people do as part of their daily routine. All the Aachaaraas have scientific significance. Our elders are not only spiritual; but they are also scientifically well advanced. A couple of indicators of this are: Pushpaka vimaanaa – forget about the fact that it can accommodate infinite number of people (I am sure modern scientists will eventually figure this out); the mere fact that people can be carried in air for long distances is a phenomenal scientific achievement (given this was documented thousands of years ago) Nuclear/Atomic Bombs: Recently scientists found evidence of using nuclear/atomic bombs near Kurukshetra, a few thousand years ago Vaaradhi: Bridge was built few thousands of years ago by Raama dand

Winds of Change

Last month old friends from IIT Kanpur visited us, we affectionately call them aunt and uncle. We talked about old times, good times, bad times and just times. We discussed about everything on earth including and not limited to honesty, hard work, loyalty, traffic sense, sense in general, and eventually politics. As we had multiple stints in multiple countries, and she being a concerned citizen, aunt asked me on how we can improve situation in India and if we can ever see an India completely developed in all aspects. She wondered if it would help if all the “good” Indians all over the world returned to India (of course, after learning the best practices from other countries) and implanted those best practices in India . I may have offended her as I swiftly replied in negative. I did not stop at that. I offered my 2 cents (or 2 paise) free of cost as if I am an authority on this subject (of course, it is very easy to feel that one is an authority on any subject without actu

Secret to Happiness

Happiness is sweeter after deep sorrow The night falls only to give rise to a new tomorrow Leaves dry in fall only to reshape the tree in spring Going down is only to fly high, that’s the nature of swing The depression and tear drops are not permanent Like everything else, they are transient Loneliness is but a state of mind If you open your heart, friends everywhere you can find Like elders said, be a lotus leaf Be aware that grief is but brief Never let dejection stick Bounce back like a punch bag that was kick Everything doesn’t happen just because you thought it would Nothing stops because you did not expect Just think everything happens for your own good That’s happiness; it’s a secret - simple and best kept

Old friend

Received this from a not-so old friend. Thought every one should see. Enjoy.

Ghosts in the mind

Yesterday we watched Angels and Demons.   Age old question resurfaced in my mind – about existence of Angels and Demons.   One thing led to the other and I started thinking about God and ghosts.   That reminded me of a real life incident that happened to me a few years ago.   I had just graduated and got a job close to my home town.   I left that job in a few months and went back to my alma mater (IIT Kanpur) to take up a Research Engineer job with my professor in the Image Processing lab, though it meant moving far away from my “loved ones” (may be because I was strongly influenced by my lecturer’s words that I am not cut out for corporate world and would do well in research).     Well here I am in North India again.   I hated the hostel and hostel food.   So, decided to take an SBRA (Single Bed Room Apt) and start cooking.   A close friend (and a fellow research engineer) also wanted to join me.   Unfortunately SBRA is allotted based on seniority and there are several people


Majestic Snoquami Falls Breathtaking View Up close PS: This is my first attempt at loading pictures. Not bad, huh.