Garbage Truck

A friend sent me an email with a nice story. I will not repeat the story as it is already doing rounds on the net. The gist of the story is that people are like garbage trucks carrying lot of garbage (frustration, stress, anger etc) with a pathological need to dump it on anyone and everyone. Don’t ever fall for it and carry their garbage to your home, work, friends and strangers.

How true. It reinforces the adage – “an eye for an eye makes whole world blind”.

In summary, we should not react if others treat us bad, because, if we react, we propagate the malice. Instead we should treat those people with respect and give them all the support to overcome the misery they are in.

This is what even Gita says. We should be like lotus leaves. All the worries are like water. We should not let the water (worries) stick to us. We should be equipiosed – should not be overjoyed if good happens and should not be saddened in adversity. One should treat every one equal. There are no evil people in this world. These people are acting this way because they are slaves to their senses and lost in the wilderness of materialism. So, have pity on them. If possible point them in right direction.

So, just wave with a broad smile to the person who cuts you off on the road. For, you do not know what he/she is going through and you do not want to add to whatever it is. Say thank you to the clerk at the check out counter of the grocery store, even if that person is just doing his/her duty. Complement your co-worker, just like that.

By doing so, you are actually helping yourself. You are getting rid of the stress. It will improve your mental and physical health. It will improve the quality of your life, because you will not have tense moments with your spouse/siblings/parents/kids at home, which is carried to your work. So, you will have harmonious life. Just do it. You will see the results with in weeks.

Mind you, like the malice, happiness is contagious. So, you are guilty of causing the happiness to all around you, if you are happy (incidentally, I watched an Ad on TV as I was finishing this blog. It is about people on street performing random acts of kindness to strangers. The passersby notice this and subconsciously they too engage in random acts of kindness and it catches on. Hats off to who ever got this idea for the ad). Be warned; be aware of what you pass around. Just remember that whatever you are passing around will come back to you – what goes around comes around. Choose wisely, you don’t want your boss to fire you because you had an argument with your spouse.

Always smile and be happy. Make all efforts to be not a garbage truck.


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