Woman Smarter

That’s right de woman is uh smarter – claims Harry Belafonte.

I have tremendous respect and admiration for Harry. Yet, my male ego doesn’t approve of his statement. So, I asked him to convince me. He sang

Ever since the world began
Woman was always teaching man
And I you listen to my bid attentively
I goin’ tell you how she smarter than me

Samson was the strongest man long ago
No one could a beat him, as we all know
Until he clash with Deliah on top of the bed
She told them all the strength was in the hair of his head

I didn’t agree with him (of course, I didn’t tell him that I have no clue who Samson and Deliah are). So, he continued his persuasion

Garden of Eden was very nice
Adam never work in Paradise
Eve meet snake, Paradise gone
She make Adam work from that day on

I strongly objected, saying she didn’t make him work. Adam started working as he wanted to prove to Eve that he is stronger and that she is just plain fairer. Harry laughed, and said that is THE point. I continued (ignoring that fact that I picked up the wrong point) saying that even Eve is working hard now a days. So, if Harry is right, Men must be becoming smarter as they are making Eves work now a days. He said “you think so?”, and continued

Methuselah spent all his life in tears
Lived without a woman for 900 years
One day he decided to have some fun
The poor man never lived to see 900 and one
“Naturally, the poor man is too old, so he croaked”, I shouted. “If you are smarter, you would’nt argue with me, at least on this topic”, Harry said grinning like a Cheshire cat. Suddenly a bulb lit up in some dark corner of my cerebrum. I eagerly agreed with him. I remembered what a wise man said once, “marriage is a union of two people – one is always right and the other is husband”. He looked on smugly, when I chorused

That’s right de woman is uh smarter, that’s right, that’s right.
(Dedicated to all MCPs who rather sleep on the couch than agree with Harry and I)


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