Our company started a new initiative called EPIC - Employee Passion Indicator Count. I will not divulge the secret on how it is done, but would like to share the philosophy behind it (or what I think is the reason why they started it).
Why would a big, successful and reputed organization care about employee passion? What is passion in the first place? Dictionary defines it as “a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything” (for theology buffs, it also means suffering of a martyr). So what? Why is it so important for an organization?
In my opinion each and every person on this earth has passion - passionate about something or some one. I think people can not exist without passion. At the minimum people are passionate about living.
Every day I see John getting into the bus to go to work. First time I saw him almost six months ago, I wanted to ask him why he takes so much trouble to go to work every day. A little bit of background about John is highly required at this time. John is an octogenarian (at least that is how he appears). He can not walk but for his four wheel walker. Even with that walker he can barely walk. Though
I always wanted to ask him why he makes such a gargantuan effort every day to go to work. The introvert that I am, I never ventured to actually ask him. Initially I thought may be he needs to earn a living. After observing him for a few days, I realized that he works for the Government (USPS) and must have a good retirement plan. So, it is not just for money. So, what is it?
He must really love what he is doing. May be that is what keeps him going. It is his passion to work and serve others.
We can overcome any obstacle in achieving something if we are passionate about it. Taj Mahal was built because a person was passionate about his lover;
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